Getting ready and being prepared for your headshot portrait will help you be happier with the results from your photography session and to also enjoy the process. That said, it can feel a little overwhelming to know how to prepare yourself. So many questions. "What to wear? Do I need special make-up? Should I get my hair cut or styled?" We believe the right preparation and a positive mindset can really make a difference when you show up for your portrait shoot. How you present yourself will impact the final photograph and help you better present your personal brand story!

Suggestions for preparing for your headshot portrait

1. A positive and a calm mindset is the number one thing you can have to help prepare for your headshot photography session. Try and get a good night's sleep the evening before and bring a positive attitude to the shoot.

2. Choose a clothing style that you are comfortable with and suits you and ask yourself how you would like to be presented to your audience. Selecting clothing that you would wear to an important but casual meeting is helpful. It gives a good first impression and conveys friendly professionalism. 

3. Details are very important. As this is a headshot, what is worn from the waist up is critical. Jackets, shirts, t-shirts, blouses and dresses that are well tailored and fit well matter greatly. These items should look professional.

4. Wearing a suit jacket in a darker tone allows the face to be the focal point. If your style is more 'creative or casual' then a coloured jacket, shirt or blouse is also a good alternative. 

5. Wearing a tie is a personal choice and will depend on the message one is trying to convey. However, if a tie is not part of the outfit, a jacket is suggested. We strongly recommend wearing a shirt that fits well and is wrinkle free. 

6. Wearing colour and patterns can help express style and personality. That said, you should be careful to not have the clothing style overwhelm or date your portrait. Also, consider choosing clothing that isn't too seasonal (ex. short sleeves, heavy scarves) so that your portrait looks great all year long.

7. Accessories are great additions to your photograph, however it is important that they don't distract from the portrait. Glasses and jewelry are quick ways to show personality and are a personal choice. If you usually wear glasses, these should be worn. However, if they are an accessory, bring them to the photoshoot as an option. Jewelry is a great supportive accessory to complement your outfit and many times holds a special meaning, which helps one feel more comfortable. Long necklaces are not usually recommended, as they may interfere with the crop of the headshot. Please feel free to bring along extra accessories so that we may discuss options with you.

If you’re in anyway unsure what to wear or what to bring for your shoot, we are always ready to help you with these decisions. Please don’t hesitate to call or email us with any questions!

613 290-5737


"The picture looks perfect on my LinkedIn profile! I am so glad that we did this. Thanks again to Anita and you for your professionalism and friendliness! I think it's the combination of these two things that lead to good pictures."


“Thanks Dwayne. It was certainly a pleasure - your ability to ask the tough questions about who am I and what I believe in was a surprising and welcomed part of this process. Thanks for helping me tell my story or at least start to craft my story.